Growing from a Christchurch garage in the 1970s, Macpac has become internationally recognised as a leading brand for quality performance outdoor gear – all while committing to protecting the environment its customers love to explore.
From backpacks to tents and jackets, most of Macpac’s stock comes through Lyttelton Port before heading to its distribution centre in Ferrymead.
From there, stock is dispatched to stores and customers around New Zealand and even over to some of the company’s Australian stores.
Supply Chain Manager James Prusas says Macpac’s success lies in the relationships it has formed over the years.
Macpac’s strong relationships start with the design stage of its performance products, which James says a fair bit of research goes into.
“Our New Zealand-based design team works with the New Zealand Alpine Team to test gear and help us make improvements.”
These relationships stretch internationally as James works with suppliers around the world to resource sustainable and quality materials.
“Macpac works with 70 suppliers across 15 countries and has spent many years developing these relationships.
“Before the COVID-19 pandemic, I would normally spend 3 months a year in our factories.
Due to travel restrictions, using video conferencing calls is now the normal.
“We are in constant discussion with the fabric mills and production factories in places like India, China, South Africa and Australia to ensure we are getting
what we ordered, as well as working with them on potential improvements, quality and monitoring compliance.
“The performance of the fabric is very important to the performance of the end product.”
A focus on the quality of the product is strong for Macpac, as creating durable products is a key part of its sustainability commitments.
“We stand by our quality commitment and provide product repairs on warranty and non-warranty faults right here in our Christchurch office, making sure customers can get the most out of their gear.”
Macpac’s sustainability team are always looking at ways to reduce their environmental impact, whether this is in Macpac’s supply chain, transitioning products to use recycled materials or upcycling unrepairable textiles for a second life.
While COVID-19 has impacted businesses around the world, Macpac’s solid commitment to its customers, stakeholders and the environment has seen them continue to fuel Kiwis’ passion for adventure and the outdoors.
LPC corporate office
Waterfront House
37-39 Gladstone Quay
Lyttelton 8082
New Zealand
Postal address
Private Bag 501
Lyttelton 8841
New Zealand
Phone: (+64 3) 328 8198
For more contact details click here.
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