Please note, some container acceptance windows have been shortened due to higher than normal import volume. This applies to dry and empty containers only, reefer container acceptance remains unchanged. If you have any questions, please contact

  • Whaka-Ora Healthy Harbour

Protecting Whakaraupō

Everyone who has a connection to Whakaraupō/Lyttelton Harbour has a role to play in restoring and protecting the health of the harbour. Many of the actions needed rely on the strong leadership, support, good ideas and dedicated efforts of people through our harbour communities.

Whaka-Ora Healthy Harbour is supported by a partnership of five organisations, who each have roles and responsibilities in the protection of Whakaraupō/Lyttelton Harbour: Lyttelton Port Company, Environment Canterbury, Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, Christchurch City Council. The five partners provide leadership and support for Whaka-Ora Healthy Harbour, and are undertaking their own projects to help achieve the vision of a healthy harbour, for us and our children after us.

Read the plan here.

Find out more

For the latest Whaka-Ora Healthy Harbour news and events, check out the Healthy Harbour website:

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