Please note, some container acceptance windows have been shortened due to higher than normal import volume. This applies to dry and empty containers only, reefer container acceptance remains unchanged. If you have any questions, please contact
The Port has a throughput of more than 500,000 TEUs a year making it the largest Container Terminal operation in the South Island.
Containers are stacked four high in the twelve and a half hectare secure terminal and managed via SPARCS N4, the latest computerised container management system from Navis.
Lyttelton Port maintains high standards of technology, with four cranes providing fast and effective service on 580m of container crane rails.
Liebherr Container Cranes
Type one (x1):
Heavy lift hook capacity – 70 tonnes
Container spreader capacity -40 tonnes for 20-foot, 40-foot and 45-foot single-lift spreaders and 60 tonnes total in twin lift configuration
Outreach from fender – 42.6m
Total lift height – 50m
Twin lift spreader
Type two (x3):
Heavy lift hook capacity – 70 tonnes
Container spreader capacity -45 tonnes for 20-foot, 40-foot and 45-foot single-lift spreaders and 60 tonnes total in twin lift configuration
Outreach from fender – 42.6m
Total lift height – 54.4m
Twin lift spreader
Straddle Carriers
• 25 Noell straddles – one over three
• 50-tonne lifting capacity, telescopic spreaders – ISO, IA, IB and IC
• Linked to computerised container tracking system
• All of these straddles have twin lifting capability
The Container Terminal also has seven forklifts ranging from 3.5 tonne capacity through to 32 tonnes.
Ship Exchange
A full range of services for the exchange of cargo from containerised, multi-purpose and roll-on/roll-off vessels are available at the Container Terminal.
Container wash – Containers can be washed on site to MPI regulations before being dispatched and packed for export.
Storage – The Container Terminal offers storage for 20ft containers, 40/45ft containers, including over height containers. Storage is available for approximately 8,000 containers with specialised areas for refrigerated, imports, exports, general and empty containers.
Refrigerated container services – The Container Terminal is equipped with electrical points to handle approximately 660 refrigerated containers. Manual monitoring services are available for refrigeration equipment. The reefer area is configured for remote monitoring by Reefer Runner equipment.
Container Transfer
Containers are received by road and rail and the automated gate system minimises the average turn-round time for trucks. For trucks transferring containers, the terminal has an off-road 10 truck bay for parking allowing documentation to be completed and checked. Two 24-wagon siding for rail transfers is available and significant technological advances through EDI allow container documentation to be electronically exchanged prior to arrival. On arrival, truck kiosks are available for expediting containers 24/7.
Customer Services
+64 3 328 7987
Operations Supervisors
+64 3 328 7912
LPC corporate office
Waterfront House
37-39 Gladstone Quay
Lyttelton 8082
New Zealand
Postal address
Private Bag 501
Lyttelton 8841
New Zealand
Phone: (+64 3) 328 8198
For more contact details click here.
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